EFT Level 3 - Online
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EFT Level 2 - Online
Fri 14 Feb to Fri 07 Mar
EFT Masterclass - The Energy of Hosting Successful Groups
Wed 12 Mar to Wed 09 Apr
EFT Online Group Mentoring for Trainers
Fri 14 Mar
St Albans, Herts, UK
+44 (0)7811 484 673
This month's article suggests an idea for starting your day with gentle gratitude. If you know how to do EFT at a simple level or more try the following Setups to help you overcome any resistance to being grateful in the morning.
While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, or change the words to fit your exact situation. If you need a reminder of the EFT tapping points please download this pdf file that also provides a reminder of how to do EFT.
"Even though a part of me is resisting feeling grateful for anything much in my life, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway."
"Even though I don't want to do it but feel I should, I accept who I am and how I feel right now."
"Even though I find it hard to be grateful when my energy feels low, especially in the morning, I choose to feel calm and peaceful before taking action."
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat this round more than once if you wish.
***These phrases focus on tapping out the problem***
1st Round
Head: "I can’t get excited about feeling grateful."
Eyebrow: "It’s not something that I’m used to."
Side of Eye: "I feel like I ought to."
Under Eye:"Everybody else is doing it."
Nose:"Why can’t I?"
Chin: "I seem to struggle to come up with ideas."
Collarbone: "I have this internal resistance to feeling grateful."
Under Arm: "I’m just not a morning person."
Rib: "Shouldn't I do something about this situation?"
2nd Round
Head: "Maybe I can."
Eyebrow: "Perhaps I can start out gently."
Side of Eye: "And build on this day by day."
Under Eye:"I don’t have to get it right overnight."
Nose:"I can learn to grow my gratitude energy."
Chin: " Bit by bit."
Collarbone: "And as my mind gets warmed up to thinking about gratitude."
Under Arm: "The feeling of gratitude will build."
Rib: "And so empower me."
If any negative thoughts or feelings remain about expressing gratitude in the morning use your own words to neutralise them until they are gone. Then move on to the positive.
***These phrases bring in a positive focus on the solution***
Head: "I appreciate the wisdom that is coming to me."
Eyebrow: "I choose to feel peaceful before taking action."
Side of Eye: "I want to feel relaxed and at peace before I act."
Under Eye: "I intend to feel peaceful about this conflict."
Nose: "I appreciate how relaxed I can feel despite this problem."
Chin: "I love feeling so relaxed and calm."
Collarbone: "Thank you [God/Universe/Spirit etc.] for guiding me towards this solution."
Under Arm: "I am ready to enjoy this feeling of fuzzy warm gratitude."
Rib: "And so bring greater joy into my life"